Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jamba Juice at Sunrise Market Place

The General Manager who's name is Mr.Bell and I were talking about all of the new things that Jamba Juice is doing for the community and they will help your youth soccer teams with fundraising or even sponsorships.

One thing that is interesting is that you could hold team sign ups at his stores and the team will get 20% back in the sales the store makes, that is for having the team sign up at the store...(That is a really good deal)

I would suggest that the local soccer clubs contact Mr. Bell and discuss what Jamba Juice can do for the teams.

Citrus Heights Soccer Club
Fair Oaks Soccer Club

I will send you all emails also with Mr.Bell's Email address.

Do not wait for the last second in contacting since the word is out and other teams will be also contacting him.

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